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The Space Shuttle, officially known as the Space Transportation Vehicle, is made up of three primary pieces. The most recognizable piece of the Space Shuttle is the Orbiter Vehicle. Many people mistakenly refer to the Orbiter Vehicle as the Space Shuttle, when in fact it is only a part of the whole. At launch, this plane-like craft stands vertically, and is fixed to the external tank (ET), which holds liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen. Attached to the left and right side of the external tank are the two solid rocket boosters (SRBs). Together the Orbiter Vehicle, the external tank, and the two SRBs make up the Space Shuttle.
Of these components, both the Orbiter Vehicle and the SRBs are reused. The Orbiter Vehicle returns to earth by gliding with its wings, and landing horizontally like an airplane. The SRBs fall back to earth and into the ocean, where they are picked up.
After the Orbiter Vehicle lands, it flown back to the Kennedy Space Center on a Shuttle Carrier Aircraft, which is a modified Boeing 747.